Pet Food Pantry
FIDO provides low-cost pet food and supplies to clients at our monthly Pet Food Pantry and our weekly Warehouse Open Hours events. These events are open to returning FIDO clients only. New Clients should come to our New Client Registration to sign up and receive their first round of supplies.
Pet Food Pantry
When: First Saturday of Every Month
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Where: FIDO Warehouse
Our Pet Food Pantry is a once-a-month drive-thru event where returning clients can drive up to the FIDO Warehouse to receive their monthly allotment of dry pet food (kibble) and flea & tick treatment for their pets.
What to Bring:

Warehouse Open Hours
When: Sundays from 12:00-3:00 PM, the first Wednesday of the month from 4:00-7:00 PM
Where: FIDO Warehouse
Our Warehouse Open Hours offer extended pantry hours for returning clients who either cannot make it to the monthly Pet Food Pantry or need additional supplies that are not available at the drive-thru pantry. Additional items available for sale at a nominal fee at Open Hours include: inside training crates, canned pet food, pet treats, collars, leashes, harnesses, pet toys, pet dewormer, and cat litter. All supplies are subject to availability.
What to Bring:
It is requested that clients come to Warehouse Open Hours no more than once a month.